
搜索"克里" ,找到 32部影视作品

/ 弗里茨·朗
  根据德国古典史诗《尼贝龙根之歌》改编。本片共两部,第一部的副标题是《西格弗里德》或《西格弗里德之死》,又译《斩龙遇仙》;第二部《克伦希尔德的复仇》。第一部剧情:库山王子西格弗里德从传说中得知,如果能用丛林内的巨龙血液沐浴,就能全身刀剑不入,乃立刻启程斩龙取血。不料飘来一片树叶 贴在他的背上挡住了龙血。他自恃刀剑不入,乃出兵讨伐矮人国,夺取隐身头巾和尼伯龙根的国宝。后来,他更凭这两样法宝之助打败冰岛女王的武士,跟王妹克伦希尔德结婚。武士哈根获悉,将长矛对准被树叶贴住而未沾龙血的背部猛掷,西格弗里德应声倒地。第二部描述西格弗里德死后,克伦希尔德嫁给了匈奴国王伊泽尔,生下一个孩子。她邀请她的兄弟前来参加派对,并鼓励伊泽尔向杀死她前夫西格弗里德的凶手哈根报仇。不料哈根得到她兄弟们的保护,于是她必须为逼迫自己的兄弟交出哈根而展开一场激战。
/ Oeke Hoogendijk
/ 内详 
  It was a fateful coincidence that in 2014, just when the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam was staging an exhibition of Crimean artworks, Russia annexed the region. So now the question arises of who should the artworks be returned to? To the museums in Crimea who had been so kind as to loan them out? Or to Ukraine, perhaps, the country Crimea belonged to before the annexation? What should the museum’s director Wim Hupperetz do?  Veteran documentary filmmaker Oeke Hoogendijk (The New Rijksmuseum) is just the woman for the job when it comes to turning this complex issue into an exciting film, and finding the human dimension in a tangled judicial tug-of-war. Political, emotional, personal, cultural, and historical interests all jostle for position as lawyers arguing from a purely judicial perspective present their case and distressed museum directors face big gaps in their collections.  While archaeologists in Crimea continue their groundbreaking historical work, it looks like their previous finds are going to be re-buried in the Netherlands—shut off from the world in a warehouse, they are perhaps the biggest losers in this conflict.